The product

Valtellina Casera DOP stagionato

Cheese produced in Valtellina in Lombardy and aged over 6 months
Country of origin:
Italy - Lombardy
Type of Milk:
 Cow's milk
7 kg circa
Minimum order:
More Information
Description Valtellina cheese with partially skimmed cow's milk
Appearance The crust is smooth and golden, thin and compact. The semi-cooked, pressed and elastic paste is characterized by a compact structure with a tendency of fine and diffused eye. The color varies from white to straw yellow, depending on the seasoning
Taste Sweet, aromatic, with aftertaste of mushrooms and dried fruit, becomes more intense with aging
Curiosity The origins date back to 1500 when more breeders united their milk to carry out collective processing in dairies and social events, implementing a form of saving and sharing of moments of life
Suggestions The Valtellina Casera is one of the main ingredients of some typical Valtelline dishes, such as pizzoccheri or sciàt
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Ingredients Cow's MILK, salt, rennet
Allergens in ingredients Milk and products thereof
Weight 7 kg circa
Packaging Whole wheel unpacked, fractions vacuum packed
Storage Conditions (unpacked products) Store at temperatures between +4 and +8 °C
Storage Conditions (packaged products) Store at temperatures between +4 and +8 °C
Country of origin of the primary ingredient Italy
Nutrition Declaration Energy: 1809 kJ / 436 kcal
Fat: 35 g
of which saturates: 25 g
Carbohydrate: 0,9 g
of which sugars: 0 g
Protein: 29 g
Salt: 1,8 g
Typical value per 100 g
The producer

Latteria di Chiuro - Chiuro (SO) - Lombardy

Why we chose them
Social cooperative for milk and cheese making, Chiuro Dairy has been founded in 1957 in the heart of Valtellina countryside, in Sondrio province, in the North-West of Italy. Nowadays the cooperative is constituted by 80 members, local cows' breeders whose farms are spread along 30 kmq, moving from Chiuro factory site and its surroundings, so the milk doesn't have to travel and can be transformed very fresh. The members raise their cows with hey coming from their Valtellina meadows and with the grass from the pastures where the animals can graze freely in alpage. Traditional breeding, to respect the health of the cows and the quality of milk, meets the best new technologies in production: a perfect marriage to get high quality products. Yogurt is produced with milk and confettura extra, both produced in Valtellina: the milk comes only from the members of the Dairy, whereas confetture are produced by the local social cooperative Il Sentiero in Morbegno, with fruits produced in their orchards in Valtellina.
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