The product

Ricotta di Latte di Bufala Borgoluce

Soft and delicate buffalo ricotta produced Borgoluce
Country of origin:
Italy - Veneto
Type of Milk:
Raw Buffalo's milk
280 g approx each one
Minimum order:
1 tray with 3 pieces
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Description Buffalo ricotta produced with the whey remaining after the production of Borgoluce buffalo mozzarella
Appearance It has a white colour with grayish reflections, is compact but not dry
Taste Sweet, delicate, well balanced in salt and with intense lactic notes due to the use of self-made lactic starter which makes it unique
Curiosity Borgoluce is a company that has made eco-sustainability and biodiversity its mission: 1,220 hectares of pastures, woods, farms, cultivated fields, vineyards, orchards, canals, mills, dairies. An intact environment, owned by the Collalto family since the 12th century
Our selection It is produced exclusively with the whey obtained after processing the mozzarella, the supply chain is very short: the transformation of the milk takes place in the own dairy next to the stable. The processing is also completely traditional: no enzymes are used, but serum graft
Suggestions Try it stuffed with basil pesto and confit tomatoes, covered with gomasio. For an original dessert serve it with layers of pear and chocolate and chopped hazelnuts. We recommend to serve it fresh but not cold
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Weight 280 g approx each one
Packaging Wrapped in paper
The producer

Borgoluce - Susegana (TV) - Veneto

Why we chose them
Eco-sustainability is a word with many meanings: attention, care, respect for natural resources. At Borgoluce, eco-sustainability is perceived as an asset. Borgoluce is an estate with 1,220 hectares, held by Collalto family since the XII century. An intact environment made of pastures, woodlands, farms, arable fields, vineyards, orchards, canals, mills, dairies. In past, this variety enabled the family to produce everything necessary for daily life. Today, this tradition remains: it is called biodiversity. Environmental responsibility pervades every activity and is expressed in the use of renewable sources for the agro-energy production. The energy comes from the by-products of woodlands, animal farms and plantations. Wood is burned by a biomass boiler, while a biodigester transforms animal dung and cereal silage into biogas, producing the electric energy used in the farm and the thermal energy that heats the buffalo sheds. Giuliana, Ninni and Caterina Collalto with her mother Trinidad and the husband of Caterina, Ludovico Giustiniani are committed to increase the value of this land, a unique heritage in Veneto
© VALSANA S.R.L. - All rights reserved - Tel. (+39) 0438 1883 125 - Fax (+39) 0438 64976 - email: - Via degli Olmi 16 - 31010 Godega di Sant'Urbano (TV) - P.IVA 01949710261 - C.F. 00548700244 - Reg. Imprese Treviso N. 00548700244 - Cap.Soc. € 120.000 i.v.