The product

Pepe Timut

Pepper from Nepal, with a characteristic citrus aroma
Country of origin:
Minimum order:
1 piece
More Information
Description A particular variety of Nepalese pepper with an intense grapefruit fragrance
Appearance It comes with small, wrinkled, dark brown skins
Taste Intense, with strong citrus notes recalling grapefruit
Curiosity Because of its shape, Timut pepper may resemble pepper, but it is actually the dried peel of a berry produced by a wild plant in Nepal
Our selection We have tried this pepper on several occasions and each time it has managed to amaze us with its very special and intense aroma: a precious gem from the Orient that could not be missing from our spice selection
Suggestions It goes incredibly well with white fish and seafood; we also recommend trying it on fiordilatte ice cream for a truly original ending dish. Be careful not to overuse it otherwise it risks covering up the other flavours!
More Information
Ingredients Timut pepper
Weight 15g
Packaging Packed in PET plastic pot
Storage Conditions (packaged products) Conservare in luogo fresco al riparo dalla luce
Country of origin of the primary ingredient Nepal
The producer

Petit Lorien - Udine (UD) - Friuli Venezia Giulia

Why we chose them
When we met Gianluca Mingotti, the owner of Petit Lorien, we became amazed by his enthusiasm and his knowledge, and by the freshness and the fragrance of his spices. Petit Lorien is a small company specialized in importing and processing salt and species, rare ingredients and original flavors coming from all around the world. Nowadays many people, both chefs and consumers, are approaching the cuisine with a fusion approach, looking for international ingredients used in different countries. The strength of Petit Lorien is the continuous research and selection for fresh products, selecting only the best spices, and the guarantee of a short chain, that turns into the highest quality of raw materials. You can recognize the quality of his spices simply by the perfume. .
From the same producer
© VALSANA S.R.L. - All rights reserved - Tel. (+39) 0438 1883 125 - Fax (+39) 0438 64976 - email: - Via degli Olmi 16 - 31010 Godega di Sant'Urbano (TV) - P.IVA 01949710261 - C.F. 00548700244 - Reg. Imprese Treviso N. 00548700244 - Cap.Soc. € 120.000 i.v.