The producer

Latteria Agricansiglio - Fregona (TV) - Veneto

Why we chose them
In December 1938 the Caseificio Cooperativo del Cansiglio was founded in Fregona (TV) with the purpose of collecting milk from local breeders and transforming it into cheese for them. During the years the dairy has been renovated, and new machines have been installed, to be able to bear the brunt of working a superior amount of milk. During the year 2001 the dairy merged with another local Caseificio and the name was changed to Agricansiglio.
Company products
© VALSANA S.R.L. - All rights reserved - Tel. (+39) 0438 1883 125 - Fax (+39) 0438 64976 - email: - Via degli Olmi 16 - 31010 Godega di Sant'Urbano (TV) - P.IVA 01949710261 - C.F. 00548700244 - Reg. Imprese Treviso N. 00548700244 - Cap.Soc. € 120.000 i.v.