The product

Gorgonzola DOP Tosi termosaldato

DOP cheese gorgonzola produced in a traditional way
Country of origin:
Italy - Lombardy
Type of Milk:
 Cow's milk
1,5 kg
Minimum order:
1 piece
More Information
Description Pasteurised cow's milk
Appearance The crust is wrinkled and rosé, pasta is creamy, straw-colored, sliced, for the development of molds with green-blue veins
Taste Sweet and delicate, full of aromas of milk and cream and good aromas linked to the mold
Curiosity Once this process was created by working in the evening, the curd was hanged and left to dry. The next day, another work was done and the form was prepared by alternating layers of fresh curd and curd layers of the previous day. In this way, the two curds did not fit perfectly and there were slots where the molds spontaneously developed. The word erborine comes from 'erborin' or parsley in Lombard dialect, for the resemblance of the color with the mold
Our selection Once the Gorgonzola was called 'Stracchino Verde' or 'Stracchino di Gorgonzola', this suggests that it was a rather soft cheese. The dairy Tosi performs processing by working the curd at low temperatures, thus obtaining a rather soft and creamy cheese, so that sometimes the only way to serve it is to use a spoon
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Weight 1,5 kg
Packaging Packed in aluminum foil
The producer

Caseificio Tosi - Gattico (NO) - Piedmont

Why we chose them
Caseificio Tosi has been founded in the '60 by Santino Tosi which used to produce only cheeses for his shop. During the '80 he gets helped by his son Fabrizio and production became more and more oriented to Gorgonzola cheese; maturation cellars came 10 years later. The decisive turnaround happened approximately 10 years ago when also Santino's daughter, Miranda, entered the company. She is now running the business with her brother Fabrizio and her husband AndreaCaseificio Tosi is one of the smallest producers of Gorgonzola DOP Consortium and still today produces according to tradition: the milk they process originates from Maggiore and Orta lakes area; every day they produce 300 wheels only using hands and man labour; then maturation lasts from 90 to 160 days on wooden shelves.
© VALSANA S.R.L. - All rights reserved - Tel. (+39) 0438 1883 125 - Fax (+39) 0438 64976 - email: - Via degli Olmi 16 - 31010 Godega di Sant'Urbano (TV) - P.IVA 01949710261 - C.F. 00548700244 - Reg. Imprese Treviso N. 00548700244 - Cap.Soc. € 120.000 i.v.