The product

Fusilli di Grano Duro 'Senatore Cappelli'

Fusilli produced with 'Senatore Cappelli' durum wheat
Country of origin:
Italy - Veneto
500 g
Minimum order:
1 box with 8 pieces
More Information
Description Fusilli produced with the precious variety of durum wheat 'Senatore Cappelli' grown by Borgoluce, with biodynamic method, stone milled and bronze drawn
Appearance Typical colour of semi-wholemeal durum wheat: the surface is rough and porous
Taste Typical of semi-wholemeal durum wheat
Curiosity After the suspension in its production, caused by the economic boom in favor of grains with higher yields, in the last 15 years 'Senatore Cappelli' variety has been restored. This wheat is valued both for its gluten content lower than other grains (and therefore greater digestibility), and for the aromaticity that it transfers to the finished product, but also for the high content of antioxidants, mainly flavonoids
Our selection The cereal crops of Borgoluce take place in a biodynamic regime and the pasta is produced by Marco Bigolin of Mulino Terre Vive (VI). A complete supply chain followed step by step in which the link between land and food is strongly perceived
Suggestions The porosity and roughness of the dough are ideal for a rich sauce
More Information
Ingredients Semi-wholemeal flour of durum WHEAT Senatore Cappelli stone ground, water
Allergens in ingredients Cereals containing gluten and thereof
May contain traces of: Mustard and products thereof
Weight 500 g
Packaging Packaged in a transparent bag with crushed corn cardboard
Storage Conditions (packaged products) Keep in a cold and dry place
Instructions for use Cooking time: 6 minutes
Country of origin of the primary ingredient Italy
The producer

Borgoluce - Susegana (TV) - Veneto

Why we chose them
Eco-sustainability is a word with many meanings: attention, care, respect for natural resources. At Borgoluce, eco-sustainability is perceived as an asset. Borgoluce is an estate with 1,220 hectares, held by Collalto family since the XII century. An intact environment made of pastures, woodlands, farms, arable fields, vineyards, orchards, canals, mills, dairies. In past, this variety enabled the family to produce everything necessary for daily life. Today, this tradition remains: it is called biodiversity. Environmental responsibility pervades every activity and is expressed in the use of renewable sources for the agro-energy production. The energy comes from the by-products of woodlands, animal farms and plantations. Wood is burned by a biomass boiler, while a biodigester transforms animal dung and cereal silage into biogas, producing the electric energy used in the farm and the thermal energy that heats the buffalo sheds. Giuliana, Ninni and Caterina Collalto with her mother Trinidad and the husband of Caterina, Ludovico Giustiniani are committed to increase the value of this land, a unique heritage in Veneto
© VALSANA S.R.L. - All rights reserved - Tel. (+39) 0438 1883 125 - Fax (+39) 0438 64976 - email: - Via degli Olmi 16 - 31010 Godega di Sant'Urbano (TV) - P.IVA 01949710261 - C.F. 00548700244 - Reg. Imprese Treviso N. 00548700244 - Cap.Soc. € 120.000 i.v.