The product

Farina per polenta Mais Sponcio

An antique variety of maize from the Dolomiti Bellunesi, impollinated naturally
Country of origin:
Italy - Veneto
1 kg
Minimum order:
1 piece
More Information
Description Sponcio maize is an antique variety of grain that has been impollinated naturally, it has been cultivated since the end of the 1800's Val Belluna, next to the Parco Nazionale Dolomiti Bellunesi, in particular in Cesiomaggiore, Feltre e Santa Giustina
Appearance Thin white cobs with pointed orange colour seeds, tecnically defined 'rostro' facing the top of the cob, whose name in dialect is 'sponcio' which means to prick
Taste The intense orange colour and the traditonal stone grinding makes it the ideal variety to use for the strong mountain polenta, thick,strong,dark yellow with a strong smell and tiny brown particles of straw
Curiosity Il mais Sponcio, varietà di mais tipica del feltrino, deve il suo nome alla forma appuntita del seme, ed è quello che meglio esprime il carattere della tradizionale polenta montana, soda, decisa e armoniosa. Questa farina deve la sua eccellente qualità al tipo di granella, al territorio dolomitico e alle tecniche di coltivazione tradizionali e sostenibili. La molitura è rigorosamente a pietra, tale da ottenere una farina semi-integrale. Questa tecnica rende il prodotto soggetto a irrancidimento e per limitare questa problematica il produttore macina la granella volta per volta, a seconda degli ordini. Per salvaguardare e promuovere questa autentica specialità sono attivi il Consorzio di Tutela del Mais Sponcio e la Cooperativa Agricola La Fiorita, che garantiscono originalità e quali
Our selection Sponcio maize and it's polenta flour are inserted in the National list of Traditional Foodstuffs and in the list of the Veneto Region for varieties at risk of genetic erosion and worth being exploited. To protect the products and the producers, in January 2008 a consortium for the protection of Sponcio Maize was founded, that today includes about 20 farmers, for a total of about 13 cultivated hectares. All the production is done only in the Belluno territory, according to a technical discipline, eco consistent, that controls the phases of tillage, drying, grinding and packaging. An agreement between the partners has given the Coop. Agr. La Fiorita of Cesiomaggiore, the possibility of promoting and selling the product
Suggestions It needs to be eaten with very strong tasty foods, like game or aged cheeses
More Information
Ingredients Yellow corn flour (Sponcio - Zea Mays variety)
Other allergens Cereals containing gluten and thereof
Weight 1 kg
Packaging Paper bags
Storage Conditions (packaged products) Keep in a cool and dry place
Instructions for use To be consumed after cooking
Country of origin of the primary ingredient Italy
Nutrition Declaration Energy: 1515 kJ / 360 kcal
Fat: 5,1 g
of which saturates: 0,6 g
Carbohydrate: 66,6 g
of which sugars: 1 g
Protein: 10,1 g
Salt: 0,0 g
Typical value per 100 g
The producer

Cooperativa La Fiorita - Cesiomaggiore (BL) - Veneto

Why we chose them
Cooperativa Agricola "La Fiorita" was born in Cesiomaggiore (BL) in 1997. Today it has more than 252 associated farmers, which operate mainly in the territory of Belluno Valley. The Cooperative commits itself daily to the protection and promotion of its territory and local and typical agricultural products: several productions that were at risk of extinction have been rediscovered and today can show IGP certification. Moreovere Cooperativa offers its members a full service from training to assistance, from experimentation to the usage of agricultural machines and tools. Sustainable and environment-friendly production is a primary condition for farmers to join the cooperative. With particular attention La Fiorita has dedicated itself to the rediscovery of traditional beans varieties, rare and niches productions historically cultivated in Val Belluna and Feltre area since the '500.
© VALSANA S.R.L. - All rights reserved - Tel. (+39) 0438 1883 125 - Fax (+39) 0438 64976 - email: - Via degli Olmi 16 - 31010 Godega di Sant'Urbano (TV) - P.IVA 01949710261 - C.F. 00548700244 - Reg. Imprese Treviso N. 00548700244 - Cap.Soc. € 120.000 i.v.