The producer

Caseificio Fabris - Bertiolo (UD)

Why we chose them
The company inaugurated its new plant in Bertiolo, in the province of Udine, just a few months ago. The Fabris brothers, Claudio and Roberto, decided after two years of intense "courting" to join the Valsana team with the introduction of a product line based on Frico and Polenta, two local Friulian productions of great excellence. We are thrilled to have them with us!
Company products
© VALSANA S.R.L. - All rights reserved - Tel. (+39) 0438 1883 125 - Fax (+39) 0438 64976 - email: - Via degli Olmi 16 - 31010 Godega di Sant'Urbano (TV) - P.IVA 01949710261 - C.F. 00548700244 - Reg. Imprese Treviso N. 00548700244 - Cap.Soc. € 120.000 i.v.